The Importance of Smallholder Farmers Support Assistance

YSAI supporting smallholder farmer

Smallholder farmers group play an important role at the Indonesian shrimp supply chain. That segment cannot be undervalued as its production accounts for 80% of national shrimp supplies. Their resilience has kept their existence in the business chain albeit constantly facing various problems under the limited infrastructure, particularly when experiencing disease outbreak and might also other natural event. Besides, shrimp price that is considered to be relatively still high at the market is still being the solid reason farmers to stay.

Understanding the challenges and the needs of small-scale shrimp farmer is part of Yayasan Sustainaqua Indonesia’s role. Facilitating knowledge sharing and connecting one to another stakeholder that are match in need are the main supporting activities. On the ground, one of the most effective way to explore well the current practices, challenges is through joining a day-to-day ‘coffee time’ discussion with farmers. As knowledge enhancement and capacity building of smallholder farmers is one of YSAI concern, keep pushing farmers collaboration in an area to tackle better any challenge together is important. YSAI hopes that the effort undertakes support a better shrimp farming performance, now and further.

YSAI supporting smallholder farmer

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