This National Workshop was held for 3 days by Yayasan SustainAqua Indonesia collaboration with the Walton Family Foundation. Participants in this workshop consisted of 17 participants who were representatives of NGOs from various provinces in Indonesia. This event opens on October 21, 2021 at 19.49 WITA at Fave Hotel Makassar. The opening began with remarks from Rizki Dwinanto as Chairman of the Yayasan SustainAqua Indonesia (YSAI).
In his speech, Rizki conveyed the reasons for carrying out the theme, “Strategic Alignment to Promote Sustainable Harmonious Shrimp Farming in Mangrove Areas”. The reason is that shrimp farming is often blamed for taking mangrove land for cultivation and even tends to damage the existing mangrove ecosystem. Therefore, special efforts are needed for improvement.
In his presentation, Rizki also explained the correlation of the Workshop theme with YSAI’s goal to support the improvement of sustainable shrimp farming. After the remarks, participants who were NGO representatives were given the opportunity to explain the profile of the NGO and the contributions that have been made so far related to tiger shrimp cultivation, mangrove debt, and other ecological activities.
The first presentation in the workshop started from Bina Insan Rakyat. An NGO from West Java that was founded in 2018 and is concentrated in the Subang and Karawang areas. This NGO planted mangroves although they met several times over the issue of unclear land ownership. With a number of events, finally the socialization of the importance of mangroves for the coast and fisheries was held as the focus of the program.
Education about mangroves conducted by Bina Insan Rakyat begins by explaining the economic function of mangroves, namely the source of fish, which is a place to keep fish, shrimp, and others. The more mangrove forests, the more fish. Apart from being a function of fish farming, shrimp. As well as milkfish, mangroves are also a place for beekeeping and wood. As a function of ecotourism, mangrove coastal areas as a place to market SME products and so on.
The second presentation was made by Kontinu Indonesia, represented by Sarifuddin Zain from Pinrang. Kontinu, which was established in 2019, mobilizes academics, NGOs, BMKG, and the general public to join together in Kontinu. The main continuous program is PANDAWA 1000 which stands for Development of Windu Shrimp Based on Environmental Insights. In addition, in the aspect of women’s empowerment, Kontinu encourages mothers to be empowered by being involved in the process of separating the fry one by one before spreading the seeds and there are also assisted groups that produce shredded milkfish.
The third presentation was made by Sarana Agrotama, represented by Zainoedin Arif from West Kalimantan. Therefore, the concentration of education carried out by Sarana Agrotama is to revive the tradition of traditional ponds which are far more sustainable than technology ponds.
The fourth presentation was made by Komunitas Bumi Badak Bestari, represented by Mursalim. On the occasion, Mursalim said that there must be firmness in the development of mangroves. The fight is with Agriculture and Forestry because if it is still in the Forest area, the development of the mangrove area will not get funds.
The fifth presentation was made by LSM Koin (Konservasi Indonesia) from East Java. This NGO was founded in 2012 with a program to develop traditional farmers, not intensive farmers. The challenges obtained are the types of plants that are not suitable for all environments in the mangrove area. Like the Api-api plant, it is difficult to grow in Sidoarjo because of poor sanitation. Black soil is also difficult for Rhizopora.
The sixth presentation was made by Mato Lo Taluhu, represented by Iwan Usman from Gorontalo regarding the agenda of community economic empowerment by utilizing the involvement of youth. So that the goal of making the area a place for agro-tourism can be achieved.
The seventh presentation was made by Kompi Indramayu from Koalisi Masyarakat Pesisir Indramayu which was established in 2004. The purpose of the Indramayu Kopmi is to unite existing groups with the agenda of environmental monitoring in Indramayu, empowering coastal communities, environmental advocacy, and opening new tourism.
The eighth presentation was made by Mitra Bentala, represented by Rizani from Lampung. Mitra Bentala was established in 1995 with the aim of reducing the damage to ecosystems in coastal areas through resource management and coastal economic empowerment.
The ninth presentation was made by Serikat Petambak Pantura Indonesia which has held events related to education in mangrove management and mangrove planting according to the characteristics of the area. Furthermore, the tenth presentation was carried out by AAC (Aceh Aquaculture Cooperative) which carried the presentation theme, namely the Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture Business Model. As an area that is famous for tiger prawns as a source of broodstock. The bad news is that today’s Aceh will be abandoned by tiger prawns. After the Tsunami in 2004, the condition of the ponds was 90% destroyed. Currently, the Aceh government is targeting a 250% increase in tiger shrimp production.
AAC works throughout Aceh with as many as 8 clusters. Three of the clusters became tiger prawn areas and promoted a campaign against vaname shrimp. The hope from AAC is to bring back tiger prawns from upstream to downstream. The next presentation was made by Lentera Borneo Mandiri from Tarakan. In addition to the empowerment and sustainable cultivation agenda, Lentera borneo advocates for the issue of uncertified and unsecured seeds.
The last presentation on the first day was made by the Econatural Society Indonesia, which has a scope of work in the field, looking at the environment not only from the production side, but also from the social side. Econatural’s partners consist of several lines, namely: Baznas, Pertamina, MARS Symbioscience, and Telkom Indonesia. From the partnership program, there have been learning centers, waste banks, and production houses. Regarding mangroves, Econatural’s recommendation is that planting should not change the landscape. Therefore, it is better not to plant mangroves in the future. Through this meeting, Econatural hopes to formulate new things to return mangrove land to its original state. Not by adding land but by formulating a new style of economic assistance in the mangrove area with a sustainable style of assistance.