YSAI AIP Seminar Series Management of Vannamei Shrimp Culture in Facing AHPND Disease

The AIP Seminar Series is a series of activities carried out by YSAI and ASTIN Situbondo in the Aquaculture Improver Program. This AIP activity is supported by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), which aims to increase the capacity of farmers from a practical and technical perspective so that they can produce shrimp products that have international competitiveness and create a sustainable shrimp farming area.

In this seminar session, the theme presented was the management of shrimp culture in dealing with AHPND disease. This seminar was held at the Ijen View Hotel, Bondowoso Regency, East Java Province, on January 25, 2022, and was attended by around 120 participants from various stakeholders in vannamei shrimp cultivation. Agus Martanto, who is a technician from the Watukebo, Banyuwangi farm, has succeeded in dealing with AHPND disease so that it can increase the productivity of vannamei shrimp.

In recent times the shrimp farming industry has been experiencing several problems with the spread of AHPND disease in shrimp. AHPND is a disease caused by infection with the bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp AHPND), which is capable of producing toxins and causing Death in shrimp, with mortality reaching 100%. Deaths due to AHPND occurred at the age of fewer than 40 days after being stocked in ponds. Agus Martanto conveyed several clinical symptoms in shrimp infected with AHPND disease, including Death that occurred at the beginning of stocking the fry in the pond (approximately 30-35 days). In some cases, AHPND infection occurred in shrimp with ready-to-harvest sizes (10-20 grams). It is suspected that this occurred due to transmission from pond plots that had previously been infected with AHPND, shrimp died at the bottom of the pond, infected shrimp experienced “soft shells,” and the intestines were empty or only partially filled, and the hepatopancreas was pale to white in color due to loss of pigment.

According to Bambang Hanggono, S.Pi., M.Sc. Strategy in preventing and handling AHPND disease has a crucial role in the continuity of the shrimp farming process. Several prevention strategies that can be carried out are good pond land preparation (drying, liming, sediment disposal, etc.), strict application of biosecurity, stocking at optimal density, monitoring the pond environment regularly, especially at the beginning of stocking, optimal use of feed and not overfeeding, stocking of AHPND-free fry through PCR and realtime PCR tests, monitoring yellow colony Vibrio < 1000 CFU/1 gram and green colony Vibrio < 100 CFU/1 gram, anticipate the spread of fry with post-larval age > 12 days, the application of polyculture of shrimp culture with Tilapia, the use of probiotics Bacillus and Lactobacillus during maintenance, the use of semi-closed recirculation system biofloc technology, minimizing the presence of blue, green algae, the application of pond wastewater treatment installations also play an important role in handling AHPND disease.

In ponds infected with AHPND, it is better to carry out Eradication, namely the removal or killing of infected shrimp so that it does not spread and expand. This can be done by means of shrimp that are detected positive for AHPND immediately disinfected with 100 ppm chlorine for 3-7 days, and then the shrimp are collected and buried In order not to cause transmission, cleaning the pond and for soil ponds to be disinfected using 100 ppm chlorine, cleaning is also carried out on pond supporting equipment such as windmills, anchors, and other equipment, in addition to the above, drying and cleaning must also be carried out by giving quick lime with a dose of 2 tons/Ha in inlet and outlet channels as well as reservoirs and Wastewater Management Installations.

Implementation of several SOPs such as SOP for Sampling in Hatchery and Pond SOP for Sample Testing, SOP for AHPND Prevention in Hatchery and Ponds, SOP for Eradication in Hatchery and Ponds, SOP for Rehabilitation in Hatchery and Ponds appropriately and calmly in dealing with AHPND can control the prevention of AHPND disease so that the process cultivation can still take place and production can still be maximized.

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