Situbondo, 23 Juni 2022 Shrimp products are an essential commodity in aquaculture in Indonesia. Shrimp is a source of animal protein which is the mainstay of exports to large countries such as the United States and China. The Indonesian government has planned to increase national shrimp production by up to 250% by 2024, which is a challenge for stakeholders. Especially […]
The AIP Seminar Series is a series of activities carried out by YSAI (Yayasan Sustainaqua Indonesia) and the Bumi Badak Bestari Community in the Aquaculture Improver Program Activities. In this seminar session, the theme that was carried out was How to shrimp aquaculture process with the Silvofishery system successfully. The theme was chosen because it is of the condition of […]
WTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) seminar for vaname shrimp culture was held on March 29, 2022 in Probolinggo. The speakers came from IPB University, there are Dr. Kukuh Nirmala, an expert in physics chemistry in aquatic, and Dr Yuni Puji Astuti, an expert in aquatic microbiology. Dr. Kukuh Nirmala as the first speaker started by explain detailed about dynamics of bacteria […]