Our Team
The Indonesian Sustainaqua Foundation has reliable human resources in the field of aquaculture.

Rizki Dwinanto
Rizki Dwinanto graduated from Aquaculture IPB University. He started his career at the aquaculture industry since 1999 when he was appointed to lead the development of Labatorium Alam Segara Anakan demo pond in Kampung Laut, Cilacap. In 2002 – 2004, he was supporting the community farm development in Marisa, Gorontalo. His interest in farming technicalities led him to becoming a technician in Citarate, West Java, and Punduh Pidada, Lampung, which further hired as a consultant in a project of shrimp farm construction in Indramayu. In 2015 – 2016, he was employed at Sustainable Fisheries Partnership as Training Program Lead that supervising all aquaculture training activities at SFP Indonesia. Currently, he is the CEO of YSAI, an organization that he co-founded in 2016

Aquaculture Expert
Jaja is a graduate of Aquaculture and Master of Business, IPB University. Experienced in Aquaculture for more than 26 years starting from a technician at TIR Karawang in 1996 and 2014 – 2016, and then became a shrimp pond technician in Bengkulu and Bangka since 1998 until 2008. Very experienced as a Aquaculture trainer and involved in Aquaculture training in more than 15 provinces in Indonesia. He is currently a senior marketing manager for one of the fish and shrimp feed producers in Indonesia.

Ahmad Musai, M.Aqua
Chief, Science and Data
Ahmad Musa is currently active in the National Research and Innovation Agency are experienced in field surveys, as well as various biochemical tests in order to support increased fish reproduction such as protein purification, hormonal analysis, Western Blot, ELISA Assay Development, polyclonal antibody production, AGPT, Coagglutination tests and other biochemical tests to support fish reproduction. Research activities since 2006 on reproduction efforts of Scleropages formosus, Scleropages jardinii, Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, Chromobotia macracanthus, Balantiocheilus melanopterus, Datnioides microlepis, Pterapogon kaudernii and various other cultivated fish commodities. In addition to data processing and development of Maggot commodities, Hermetia illucens insect larvae, are also active in disseminating research results to the public for application. Currently conducting water quality control for Litopenaeus vannamei cultivation in Takalar, South Sulawesi.

Mursalim S.Pi
Seaweed Culture Expert
Mursalim has been involved in seaweed farming for more than 30 years. He has thousands of seaweed farmers under his guidance, especially in East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and East Java. He supplies seaweed to processing factories in Indonesia and is also an exporter of seaweed to China. To create effectiveness and efficiency of ponds, he strongly encourages his farmers to develop polyculture systems in ponds. Active as an administrator in the Indonesian Seaweed Association since 2016. At the Indonesian Seaweed Association, he is currently trusted as the secretary general.

Dr. Aslan
Chief, GIS and Mapping
Dr. Aslan is a professional researcher, results-oriented, and highly committed personality who has a strong background in environmental science and geography, specializing in spatial planning, remote sensing, geographic information system, and natural resources management. Throughout 20-years of career development, he has been involved in various research, teaching, training and projects consultancy in the field of biodiversity, conservation, ecosystem restoration, watershed management, wetland ecosystem mapping, community empowerment, and social-humanitarian
Alongside of his research experience, Dr Aslan has numerous experiences in establishing linkages
and conducting collaborative activities at national, regional, and international levels of institutions; among others are University of Missouri, Indiana University, Louisiana State University, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), Bogor Agricultural University, Bina Nusantara University, Southeast Asian Ministries of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Centres/Networks, U.S Forest Services, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).