AIP seminar Series is one of a series of activities carried out by YSAI together with Fortel SCI Banyuwangi in the Aquaculture Improver Program. In this seminar session, the theme presented was Sustainability issues and the Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) as an Information Technology Product in Supporting Shrimp Farming Business. This seminar was held on March 23, 2022 at the Blambangan Hall of Aston Banyuwangi Hotel, East Java which was attended by about 110 stakeholders consisting of pond owners, pond technicians, government, and private. The speaker presented at this activity was Ir. Pamudi, M.Sc (Co-Founder of YSAI), Ivan (Environment Agency), & Ranggi Muharom (AquaEasy).
The shrimp farming industry in recent times, especially in Banyuwangi, has been hit by many disease problems in shrimp that reduce productivity levels, especially Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) & WSSV. There is still no real cure or technique that can prevent the recurrence of the disease. Of course it will disrupt the production targets that have been planned by the state. At this seminar, Ir. Pamudi, M.Sc conveyed the importance of shrimp farming based on sustainability principles, especially environmental aspects. It will be very loss if this very profitable business does not continue due to factors related to the environment. What’s more, shrimp produced from Indonesia is in great demand by foreign markets. Perhaps, the difficulty of shrimp cultivation business at this time cannot be separated from the bad behavior that occurred in the past. So that the emergence of new diseases always haunts the world of shrimp cultivation.
On this occasion, the Banyuwangi Environment Office was also presented through Mr. Ivan as a resource person also conveyed the importance of paying attention to the quality of wastewater produced by shrimp cultivation before being thrown into the environment. around. The Banyuwangi Environment Office also conveyed socialization related to existing regulations and facilitated for shrimp pond farmers to always check water quality before being thrown into the environment. in accordance with established standards. It is hoped that this effort can help reduce the adverse impacts of cultivated waste in the long term, firn can be minimized, and the prospects of shrimp pond cultivation will be always there.
In this seminar activity also presented one of the Start Ups engaged in shrimp farming business, namely AquaEasy. Ranggi Muharom as a resource person explained that AquaEasy brought AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to be introduced to this cultivation business. According to him, the revolution in this business must be done to support the Industry 4.0 movement which is already based on information technology, especially AI. AI was created to support and facilitate farmers in doing their work. In addition, the development of this technology related to shrimp farming business continues to be refined. Moreover, if the issue of sustainability continues to be echoed, it does not rule out the possibility that AquaEasy will present AI technology that can support this issue. So that efficiency can be achieved and also the resulting data collection will be able to recognize shrimp behavior and can map the final result of cultivation. AquaEasy also introduced several tools that can be used to check the physical and chemical parameters of pond water. In addition, AquaEasy also introduced AI implanted in autofeeders.