Shrimp is a prospective commodity in the Indonesian aquaculture industry. Shrimp farm area
itself has spread out throughout different area in Indonesia. The relatively high price at the
international market has led local people to farm shrimp. Moreover, the potential to expand
this business is promising considering that the available resources.
Based on Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the shrimp production in 2019 has reached
517,397 ton and the Indonesian government is targeting an increase of 250% in 2024 to 1,2
Million ton. The total export volume in 2019 recorded at 207,000 ton, and the target set on 202
4 is around 405,000 ton.
To support government ambition, together with the local government, the Indonesian Shrimp
Forum in collaboration with Yayasan Sustainaqua Indonesia, USSEC, and Hatfield Indonesia
carried out a socialization on the Standard Operational Procedure of Good Aquaculture
Practices for Vannamei in three different regions in East Java from 7 to 9 December 2021;
Tuban, Lamongan, and Situbondo. The three regions selected as their contribution to total
shrimp production in East Java.
The main speaker of the seminar is Professor Sukenda, an academician as well as shrimp farmer
practitioner. During the agenda, the 14 principals of the SOP were discussed;
1. Legalities
2. Site selection, and farm construction
3. Farm preparation
4. Water treatment
5. Fry testing and stocking
6. Water quality management and pond base management
7. Feeding strategy
8. Sampling management
9. Shrimp health management and Manajemen Kesehatan Udang dan Lingkungan
10. Post-harvest
11. Biosecurity
12. Food security
13. Social and economics aspect
14. Documentation and traceability
Of the 14 principals, it is shown that the main aspects to consider during shrimp farming is
divided into technical and non-technical aspect. On the non-technical aspect, legalities remains
the challenging factor to create a conducive condition to run a farm, where there are in total 21
licenses required to be fulfilled. On that, FUI has started to bridge the communication with the
government in order to simplify the license establishment while keep taking into account the
environmental sustainability aspect. Meanwhile, social and economical aspect is the critical
factor to consider form the non-technical aspect as it needs to consider how farm is impacted
the surrounding socially and economically. For instance, the recruitment for farm workers need
to consider the human resources of local communities to prevent social friction.
In the technical aspect, with the increasing concern of consumers on environmental issues, the
speaker has highlighted during the seminar the importance of having wastewater treatment
system at the farm, conserving mangrove ecosystem, and preventing the use of antibiotics. The
speaker had also emphasized that the real competitor of a farm is not their neighboring farmer,
yet that is the neighboring producer countries. While farmer in the other country has started to
adopt and apply the standard required by consumers, they will have a preference to source
shrimp from farmers on that country.
Another challenge faced by shrimp farmer is on the development of shrimp disease. Compared
to previous era where it was dominated