YSAI supporting smallholder farmer

The Importance of Smallholder Farmers Support Assistance

Smallholder farmers group play an important role at the Indonesian shrimp supply chain. That segment cannot be undervalued as its production accounts for 80% of national shrimp supplies. Their resilience has kept their existence in the business chain albeit constantly facing various problems under the limited infrastructure, particularly when experiencing disease outbreak and might also other natural event. Besides, shrimp […]

Study on Carrying Capacity of Banyuwangi Coastal Area (Part 1)

BANYUWANGI – The dynamic of water quality parameters have a major role in determining farming success. Therefore, at the preparation stage, farmers ideally takes consideration on the surrounding condition to define stocking schedule, productivity target, and treatment required during water preparation as shrimp cultivation media. However, the lack of baseline data availability on coastal water has been becoming a challenge […]

YSAI and partner discussion forum: Challenge and opportunity in shrimp farming in different area in Indonesia

BOGOR – Along with the rapid development of system and technology in shrimp farming, the challenges are also advancing. The majority issues are coming from the availability of pathogen free broodstock and larvae, affordable and good quality of pond production facilities, the spread of disease suspected as Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), also issues outside of farming technicalities such as access […]

Declarator of Indonesian Shrimp Forum

The Establishment of Indonesian Shrimp Forum as a Think Tank for Sustainable Shrimp Industry Development in Indonesia

JAKARTA – As stated in the mid – term national development agenda, the government has set a target of increasing shrimp exports value of 250% by 2024. As a commitment of business actors to support that target, shrimp industry stakeholders form up to downstream form the Indonesia Shrimp Forum. The forum is targeted to be a think tank that plays […]

Haji Labib: 3 – 5 Ton of Shrimp per Cycle

Haji Labib is one of the participant on the training carried out by YSAI. Getting motivated during training session, he decided to build his own shrimp farm. He built 3 culture ponds by optimizing his 3000 m2 land. With persistent effort, his shrimp farm resulted 3 – 5 ton of shrimp per cycle.

Socialization on the Aquaculture Improvement Program Management Transition to YSAI

Banyuwangi – On Tuesday, December 1, Yayasan Sustainaqua Indonesia (YSAI) held a meeting with Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI) Banyuwangi to socialize the transition of the Aquaculture Improvement Program (AIP) team management into YSAI, which previously managed by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. That transition aims to get more flexibility for any activities in the field. Since 2012, SCI has been becoming a […]


YSAI was appointed to be consultant for shrimp farm development in Indramayu. On that work, a total area of 1.5 ha were constructed into 10 shrimp ponds with width of 750 m2 each,  and using artesian well as the main water source.

Research and Field Survey

In 2017, YSAI conducted survey to assess the potential and technology used at shrimp farm on four islands in Indonesia; Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. The overall purposes of the survey were: To assess the shrimp productivity To identify the technology used at shrimp farm   To collect the information on energy used at farm, during farm construction and growing period […]

Fishery household empowerment

Fishery Household Empowerment

In 2015, YSAI carried out training that targeting farmer’s wife, which was held in 9 provinces in Indonesia. The training is focusing on the capacity building of farmer family to be able supporting the household economy. Skills on product processing from aquaculture commodities such as milkfish, seaweed, shrimp, also mangrove seed was taught, resulted into fish meatball, nugget, jelly, soft […]